CIL Evangelism Report

Our Evangelism Team had an amazing report from their ministry on Sunday of witnessing in Hendersonville. I was amazed how areas around our church was filled with people with other religions. Our culture truly is an international melting pot, even in Tennessee! If you want to be trained for evangelism or be part of the prayer team, let me know and I will connect you with our leaders.

Here is a report that was e-mailed to me:

“We met a middle aged lady from Antioch at the fountain plaza at the Streets of Indian lake who didn’t know if she was saved or not but was depending on her good works. As we pointed out the flaws in her thinking and preached the Gospel she was very appreciative. We than went to Drakes Creek Park off of Main Street. We met a man who had come from Turkey and had renounced being Muslin but had not adopted any other religion. He listened very attentively and was moved as we preached the Gospel to him. We then found a Jew who likewise listened very attentively and was moved as we preached the Gospel to him. Next we talked with a young Japanese woman who had married an American. Her father was Buddhist and her mother Shinto. She listened to the Gospel politely and appeared to be interested. But her interest in Christianity was tarnished because she had met many Christians who thought they were superior because of their belief in Jesus. (I believe that this is largely a cultural misinterpretation.) Lastly, we met a man who was of the Bahá’í Faith. We listened politely to each other’s “world view”. He said the Bible was good and valid . . . we pointed out that Jesus had said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except by Me.”

Honoring Veterans – Gimmick or Heart?

Every Memorial Day and July 4th weekend churches can use patriotism as a tool to get people to attend church.  As a marketing tool this is a good idea.   Up to now, our programming team at CIL has chosen not to overemphasize an American-based holiday during those services, but I understand why churches do so.

Our veterans need more than recognition twice a year, they need consistent friendship.  This is why I am so impressed with the Compassion Team of CIL (see Darlene & Ellen in pic), and their monthly outreach to the veterans of the Sumner County Veterans Home in Gallatin.  This small team provides lunch on a Sunday afternoon each month, and they have been building a friendship with the residents.

The lunch happens on the 4th Sunday of each month.   The next one occurs on Sunday, September 26th around 2 p.m.   If you want to find out more details about this outreach let me know, and I’ll connect you with our leaders.


On Sunday I finished the message series called Under The Radar, as we looked at sins not easily recognized.   Yesterday’s message was on Slander. Here is the outline of the message:

Definition of Slander: Malicious talk intended to damage or destroy another person; to “defame”
1.  Slander is an assault on the essence of a person
Proverbs 22:1, Proverbs 11:9, Proverbs 16:27-28
2.  Slander breaks the ninth commandment
Exodus 20:16,  Exodus 23:1, 7, Proverbs 10:18
3.  To slander is to operate in Satan’s strategy
Job 1:9-11, Revelation 12:10
Other Scripture to consider:
Titus 3:1, 2  Ephesians 4:31, Psalm 15:1-3