The Arts are still needed in education

I was so impressed with all the kids and teachers participating at KDDC Middle School band recital tonight. It was a visible reminder that the arts are an important part of the education experience. We cannot teach kids only towards standardized test outcomes. Choir, band, sports, clubs, field trips, and social traditions help develop the whole person, and must not be neglected.

On a personal note, I am proud of my son Lincoln and nephews Austin and Denton for excelling in their first middle school band concert. A great night for the whole community!




Don’t Question My Integrity! Really?


A phrase that makes me lift my eyebrow – “Don’t question my integrity,” I probably have stated this before myself, but I try not to use that phrase anymore. Doesn’t having integrity mean that you welcome scrutiny? Being a person of integrity does not mean that you will never make a mistake, have a wrong motive or contradict yourself. But, when you realize a breach of integrity, you own up and improve from there.

Advent, a refreshing focus


While it is easy to believe that everything in the evangelical church is digressing, there are many positive trends in 21st century.  One such improvement in recent years is the shift from emphasizing the cultural traditions of Christmas during December services to a recognition of Advent during our weekly worship.  Santa Clause, Frosty, and Elf on the Shelf are all fun and appropriate for the season. However, those characters and other cultural traditions get plenty of exposure in various mediums without the help of the church.

But the church has a message of power at Christmas!  The season of Advent celebrates that Christ came, and that Christ is coming again!  Is there a message more relevant?  Is there a message more needed?  Doesn’t this message of Advent deserve our clearest focus and proclamation?

So, for the next three Sundays and Christmas Eve at CIL we will share the message of Advent.  Come expecting songs about Jesus, preaching about Jesus, and communion centered on Jesus. There is not a more important activity for you this Christmas.