Love is Better than Spiritual Power

cd3d17b4641285801b8c05b1c1898d35--earth-day-planet-earthLove is better than spiritual power.
After explaining spiritual power in 1 Corinthians chapter 12, Paul writes, “And I will show you an even better way (vs. 31).”
Then, comes the famous love chapter that is 1 Corinthians 13.
“Now these three things remain: faith, hope, and love – but the greatest of these is love (13:13).”
I know I need to be more concerned about my capacity to love than power / gifts / manifestations. Lord, be my help.

Sunday’s Sermon – Pay Attention!

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Ok! It’s been an emotional few weeks for many of us. New season, new challenges. What happened to the relaxed pace of summer? In Sumner county, life took off again in late July, and we can hardly catch our breath!
Sounds like a good time for a weekly sabbath. How about reflection? Don’t we all need to be refocused on that which is eternal, transcendent, and nourishing to the soul?
On August 19, I will be teaching from Ephesians 5:7-8. This passage will be a reminder to “Pay Attention” to the condition of our spiritual life. I need to be fed this passage as much as I need to give it.
Join the CIL family at 9am or 10:45am.
See you soon!

Third Thursday with Dan Scott


*Attention Nashville area pastors*

For many years I have been part of Third Thursday – a gathering for pastors at Axis Church in Nashville (1423 2nd Ave N). This eclectic group comes together for Friendship, Training, Discussion, Coffee, and Networking. All pastors are welcome!

On Thursday, August 16th we will meet at the Axis Church at 9am, with the discussion starting at 9:30am.

DanScott-tieMy dear friend, Pastor Dan Scott of Christ Church Nashville, will be leading the discussion on “The Pastoral Call for the 21st Century Pastor.”

If you have never sat under Dan’s ministry, make a point to join us. Pastor Dan has influenced my perspective on pastoring and the church’s role in culture profoundly. He is such a gift, and I hope you take advantage of this opportunity.

(PS— If you come, please do not park in the red barn’s parking lot)

Let’s Celebrate 10 Years on Sunday!

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Serving CIL since 2008 has been the greatest privilege of my life. God has placed Beth and I in community with some of the finest people imaginable.
Together, we are a healthy, Christ-honoring local church!  Thanks be to God!
This Sunday, I want us to thank God for what He has done through CIL as we anticipate great opportunities in the future.  This Sunday will be a great week for old friends to return, as well as an opportunity to invite new people to join us.  I want us all to experience the love of Christ through the people of CIL.
Please join me at either 9am or 10:45am, and bring someone with you!
Also, we have a new order of CIL Ten Year Celebration shirts that you can purchase for $10.  Get one of these shirts on Sunday to commemorate this great milestone!

New CIL Student Pastors – Josh and Brook Sakis

Sakis-Josh&Brooke-2018I am happy to announce that Josh Sakis will be joining the CIL staff in September as our new student pastor.  Josh and his wife Brooke have been in vocational ministry for the last three years in Florida, and are excited to bring their newborn son Krew to Tennessee.  Josh is a pastor’s son who is passionate about the local church.  The Sakis’ are both alumni of Southeastern University (Florida), where Josh earned a B.S. in Church Ministries.

This is how Josh describes his ministry:

I am a highly relational individual. I love to have fun with the people I do ministry with… God has given me a passion to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ unashamedly. Ministry excites me and it is my desire to reach every person I possibly can with the transforming love of Jesus Christ.

Please pray for Josh and Brooke as they prepare to move to our area in mid-September.  They are leaving behind family, a great church, and many other opportunities in Florida to serve our congregation.  I believe the Sakis family will be an important part of CIL’s future and I am thrilled to have them on our team!

Matt Malone preaching on August 5

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If you have never heard Matt Malone preach, you are in for a treat on Sunday, August 5.
Matt will be preaching at CIL at both the 9am and 10:45am services. It is sad that Matt is leaving CIL later on this month, but we will have a chance to hear about his new call to FCA, and discover how we can partner with Matt to reach more Sumner County teenagers.

CIL Celebrates Ten Years!

CIL Ten Year

CIL is celebrating 10 years on Sunday, August 12, 2018, and I want you to be a part of it!

I am very excited about this day!

Beth and I have never celebrated a ministry anniversary.  We have avoided the recognition of ministry anniversaries to stay focused on the future, and to avoid boasting.   But, I realized earlier this year that this lack of celebration was selfish.  The dozens of CIL volunteers and leaders who have built this faith community deserve to understand what God has done through our church.  We have a unique spiritual family that only God could put together, and He is glorified because we exist.

Then, there are the changed lives!  I often am the only one who hears the great stories of transformation through the ministries of CIL. I want to share stories during this Ten Year Anniversary service about Jesus changing lives though our church.

We will also have key people with us who have impacted the development of CIL, including Dr. Charles Gaulden, Pastor David Huff, and worship leader Jonathan Lee.

Please join me for this special Sunday of services on August 12, 2018.   The celebration will be at 9am or 10:45am.