Sunday Summary – October 31, 2021 – All Saints Sunday and the Reformation

On Sunday, we acknowledged All Saint Sunday since All Saints Day is November 1. This annual recognition continues to increase in meaning as I see more clearly the “cloud of witnesses (Hebrews 12:1)” that surrounds me. Each year, my list of deceased Christian friends grows, so I also want my heart for heaven to grow. The cloud also includes Christians in the past whose stories, songs, and writings point me to Christ today. Our service on Sunday exalted Jesus, the supreme one whom all saints worship.

You can watch the service by clicking below:

October 31 reminds us of all the good things since the Protestant reformation. I have gratitude for access to Scripture, understanding the priesthood of each believer, and a richer grasp of grace. The courage of Martin Luther and other reformers calls us to seek God’s truth continually

Thank you, Chip and Gala Johnson

On Sunday, October 24, we acknowledged the exceptional leadership of Chip and Gala Jonnson.

Since 2011, Pastor Chip and Gala Johnson have served the CIL family in almost every way possible. They have been such a gift. Chip, Gala, and their youngest son Zach are moving to Florida, and we will miss them greatly.

While they were here, they led and participated in 9 Thanksgiving Blessings, 8 Vacation Bible Schools, 7 Back to School Blessings, 5 Camp Blasts, 2 Ventures, dozens of board meetings, 100’s of Sunday mornings in 4.6, Connections, and over 500 Sunday morning services. Wow!

Chip would preach once or twice a year, and he is an excellent speaker. Chip can preach at any church in the nation, fit in well, and do great. I am going to miss these guys greatly, but they are always welcome to come home!

Sunday Summary – October 24, 2021 – Church Picnic

Dunking booth!

My heart is full after a great Sunday. It was so busy that I did not have the time or energy to reflect through this blog until now. Our service was strong, with five baptisms, anointed worship, and a wave of repentance that came through our ministry time.

Then, there was the annual church picnic! Meghan Breinig and her team did a fantastic job creating a shared experience for our entire CIL family. What a blast we had! I am so thankful for those memories we made.

You can watch the service by clicking here:

Conflict Resolution Seminar this Saturday (Oct 23)

I have the privilege to teach Interpersonal Conflict Resolution for Union University. I love working with students in an academic setting, but this subject has great relevance for every day.

This crucial topic is why I am enthusiastic about presenting a seminar this Saturday (October 23) at Westwood Baptist Church in Nashville. I’ll be teaching a workshop from 9 am to 1:30 pm titled “From Conflict to Peace.”

I invite you to participate, as all are invited. There is no cost!

Register here

Sunday Summary – October 17, 2021

Sunday was a day with a lot of Kingdom activity. Some intense things were happening in people, and I had significant conversations and deep prayer. My message titled “You are enough” spoke to the core of our identity and stirred some truth we all need to hear.

Our youth group had a successful Fall Retreat. That weekend has been an important developmental activity for our church family.

Thank you, Lord, for all of this!

Watch the service by clicking here

USA and Globalism


Globalism is a force that can not be reversed but can be managed better. America gave up its manufacturing base too quickly at the end of the 20th century. We have to keep making stuff in America.

We’ll never be able to make everything, so global trade is necessary and has benefits. Positive actions in recent years have slightly pushed back against our over-dependence on trade. As we see the ships piling up outside the port of Los Angeles, it is another sobering reminder of our dependence and vulnerability to the rest of the world. A strong America is good for the world.

Challenges create our story

Do not let your problems overwhelm you because the resolution is ahead. Take a deep breath, and recognize that no emotion you are managing is unique to humanity. We are resilient. We are problem-solvers. As image-bearers of our Creator, we move into the future with confidence that every challenge is our story of glory.

Sunday Summary – October 2, 2021 – Fall Break didn’t stop us

We knew ahead of time that Fall Break Sunday brings challenges with so many people traveling. Then, it rained. Yet, visitors came, and those in town were faithful to the gathering. The worship music had a depth that was formative and satisfying. My teaching on Manipulation: The Jezebel Spiritwas thought-provoking. I am glad we did not break from corporate worship. He is always there when we gather in His name.