Two years since Ukraine was invaded

Today is the second anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine.

I still cannot believe a world that mostly cooperated to survive a pandemic reverted to an unjust war so quickly. While we may not all agree on America’s role in this conflict, we can all cry for detracted humanity.

May Russians, Ukrainians, and Americans seek peace in the cities.
May the lands rest from war.

The wisdom of George Washington

On what we call Presidents Day, our country celebrates George Washington, the father of our country. His wisdom guided the American experiment to a new world of individual liberties, in which billions have benefited.

“In Europe, all Americans knew, people bowed to kings. On his journey, Washington continually bowed to people as his way of acknowledging tributes and cheers. It endeared him to them.” — The Return of George Washington: Uniting the States, 1783-1789 by Edward J. Larson

Volunteers recognize “CIL Loves Me!”

The CIL staff initiated our first CIL Volunteer Appreciation Banquet earlier this month (February 3). It was well attended and so much fun! We recognized several leaders with a “Streamy” (our version of a Grammy). I am so thankful for the vision and leadership of Cori Fuller, who made this happen. Our theme was, “CIL Loves Me!” I already look forward to next year!

The Elders and I were pleased to present Ann Watson with a lifetime achievement award for her exceptional ministry. For decades, and since 2005 at CIL, she has been a minister of the gospel, serving in the spirit of a deacon and pastor. Thank you for serving and inspiring us, Ann!

Why Ash Wednesday?

Why did I receive the imposition of ashes today?

Does the Bible require it? No.
Does tradition expect it? Not my tradition.
Does it make me feel edgy or unique?
No, I’ve actually received verbal digs for wearing ashes.

I choose to join Christians around the world and through the ages to acknowledge collectively:

We are mortal. We will die.
We are sinful. We need salvation. 
Some years, we suffer.
Some seasons are hard.

The joy of resurrection starts with the reality of ashes.

“Remember that you are dust, and to dust, you shall return.”