Easter at CIL Church!

CIL Church is adding a THIRD service for Easter weekend!

SATURDAY, March 30 at 6 PM
Sunday, March 31 at 9 AM
Sunday, March 31 at 10:45 AM

Easter is an incredible way to honor Jesus Christ! Easter is a time to regather those who have not been to church recently and welcome new people to a relationship with Christ. Easter reminds us that we are a spiritual family, expecting the family to grow!

For the Saturday service, we will have childcare for ages four and under only.
The Easter egg hunt for the kids will be during the two Sunday services

Invite someone you care about to this life-giving service. 

He is risen!

Maundy Thursday at CIL Church

Join us tonight (March 28) at 6:30 pm.

The Thursday before Easter, called Maundy Thursday, is a day the church has historically gathered for a worship service to recognize the gathering of Jesus with his disciples for their final hours together, the giving of the command to love, the betrayal, and the march to the cross.

We’ll gather at 6:30pm on Maundy Thursday to hear the story again, to walk with Jesus through those hours, and to leave longing for Sunday.

Childcare is provided through age four.

The Three Streams approach to worship

CIL Church believes the confluence of three streams of Christian expression – Sacrament, Scripture, and Spirit – brings full Biblical expression to our worship. 

The Sacrament stream means we participate in regular communion, prepared prayers, reciting the creeds, and acknowledging the historic church calendar.

The Scripture stream speaks to our high value of the Bible teaching, evangelism, conversion, and water baptism by immersion.

The Spirit stream indicates our belief that the Holy Spirit’s manifestation gifts continue from the first church to today, allowing every believer to participate in the Spirit-filled life.

Why Ash Wednesday?

Why did I receive the imposition of ashes today?

Does the Bible require it? No.
Does tradition expect it? Not my tradition.
Does it make me feel edgy or unique?
No, I’ve actually received verbal digs for wearing ashes.

I choose to join Christians around the world and through the ages to acknowledge collectively:

We are mortal. We will die.
We are sinful. We need salvation. 
Some years, we suffer.
Some seasons are hard.

The joy of resurrection starts with the reality of ashes.

“Remember that you are dust, and to dust, you shall return.” 

TSST establishes Dan Scott Scholars

What a historic Sunday we had at CIL Church!

We recognized four recipients of level one recognition for the first time in the short history of the Three Streams School of Theology (TSST). I introduced the students and the congregation to their award’s name for the first time – each established as a Dan Scott Scholar.

An added blessing was that Dr. Dan Scott was our guest speaker, so this new recognition was a surprise honor for Dan. 

We had full hearts to celebrate Dan and these four new Dan Scott Scholars. Daphne Briley,Cathy Lackey, Cinde Lucas, and Dayna Thornburg were recipients.

Dan then preached a masterful sermon on content from his new book, Faith in the Age of AI. At the end of the excellent sermon, Dan sang “Hold To God’s Unchanging Hand,” an incredible connection of our unwavering faith moving into a new future. 



Dan Scott speaking this Sunday at CIL Church

I am thrilled Dan Scott will be preaching at Christ Is Love (CIL) Church this Sunday.

Almost everything he writes is quotable, but these words from his latest book reinforce the need for Christian community in our rapidly changing world.

“Without a stable ground of meaning and purpose, it is difficult to psychologically survive the ceaseless changes thrust upon us by our post-modern, globalized, wired world.” – Dan Scott

We need community. We need a healthy church.

Services at 9 AM and 10:45 AM

“40 Days of Hope” Clean Water Campaign

Today is the beginning of Lent, a 40 day season (not counting Sundays) until Easter. We prepare ourselves for Easter by walking with the Lord in this season of praying, fasting, giving, and reflection. There are no rules for Lent. Simply follow the Lord’s lead to turn from sin and connect with Him.

As part of our Lent journey, I invite you to give a gift to our “40 Days of Hope” giving campaign. For $25, you can provide clean water for years to a family in the developing world by providing them a water filter. And 100% of your gift will go directly to families in need. This project is through our partners Convoy of Hope. During Lent, replace something you may fast during the 40 days of Lent with a gift to this project.

I hope every person in our church family can give towards the “40 Days of Hope” campaign.

You can give now by clicking here:


We can make a tangible difference in the quality of someone’s life. Let’s do it!

The passing of Queen Elizabeth

Queen Elizabeth’s passing today reminds us that when used to serve, tradition adds stability and dignity to our human experience. While the monarchy is an outdated institution in our modern republics, its evolved, mostly symbolic role gives Americans a connection to our past. 

My Allison family branch came from England in 1658, so I take an ancestral interest in the story of this English throne. It will be an interesting few days of reflection for Americans as we have a variety of responses to this historic shift. 

Ash Wednesday on March 2

The season of Lent has become an important part of my yearly rhythm as I join the global church in preparing for Easter. This season in the church calendar begins on Ash Wednesday, which this year falls on March 2. 

CIL Church will have an Ash Wednesday service at Noon, which includes live worship, communion, and the imposition of ashes. Also, we will open the sanctuary for a come-and-go prayer and imposition of ashes for an hour, beginning at 7 am

Join us for either or both of these times as we dedicate our hearts anew to Jesus.

We hope!

Put your hope in God. 
Hope through Jesus.
Receive hope through the Holy Spirit.

Advent begins today. The theme of HOPE on this 1st Advent Sunday reminds us that …

  • There is something greater beyond us
  • There is something available with us
  • There is something to look forward to

Put your hope in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.