We want single adults

Sometimes in preaching, things come out a little off when speaking with passion. On Sunday, I mentioned during the sermon that 50% of adults in America are single. I was a little off.

According to articles I looked at today, 45% of adults in America are single. In Sumner County, 43% of adults are single.

While that is not half of the population, that is still A LOT OF PEOPLE. For CIL to share our amazing Jesus, we must embrace and welcome singles.

The Fire We Need

The best you is the sanctified you.
Still, the very thing we need – the sanctifying, transforming, purifying work of God – seems to be the one thing we are trying to avoid.
Let the fire of the Lord purify you.
When He changes you, everything gets better.
The fire we need is the eyes of Jesus (Rev. 1:14)

Leading When I Don’t Know

One of the best phrases I have used in leadership is, “I don’t know.”  Admitting you don’t know something actually invites new knowledge and collaboration.  You may be able to fake your way through a conversation a time or two, but a sharp person quickly figures you out.

A confident leader is able to admit what they don’t know. This practice puts people at ease and gives more weight to what you actually do know. Plus, who really wants to be around a “know-it-all” anyway?

People of Forgiveness

A person does not understand grace until they need it for themselves. People who have received grace are free to give grace.
Our culture is vindictive, looking for past mistakes to vilify someone today. While accountability for crimes and injustice is necessary, exposing someone’s past transgressions out of rivalry is wrong. We forgive because we have been forgiven.
Jesus offers grace to all who receive – this is our unbelievable message!

The next 5 months

Following up on Sunday’s sermon, I encourage you to evaluate the five months ahead of you.
What is going to happen in these environments?
– Occupation
– Relationships
– Entertainment / hobbies
Invite God to walk with you through these environments this coming season.
No pressure. Just walk with Him.

Walk on the Moon

Apolllo11I’ve been amazed this summer when learning details about the United States sending an astronaut to the moon fifty years ago. It was indeed a remarkable accomplishment of scientific skill, resolve, human cooperation, courage, and love of country.
It is just mind-boggling to consider what NASA accomplished with what we now consider primitive technology. I’m proud of my country!

UnLearning Racism

As followers of Christ, we must continually evaluate words, attitudes, innuendos, tones, or symbolic practices that cooperate with racism.  Actions once accepted now must be corrected.

Listening and learning from younger generations on this issue is a critical practice to keep our heart in tune with today’s culture.  This path calls for humility and constant self-correction.  But as Christians, are we not people of transformation?

A Refreshing Sabbatical

Our sabbatical ended yesterday, and I am so glad to be back at work with new perspectives, deeper appreciation for God’s blessings, and a renewed awareness of my call.

I’m so grateful for the CIL family that made this time possible, and I look forward to loving and serving this faith community with more effectiveness in this next era of ministry.