Will You Be Baptized in February?

If you missed Sunday, I preached a message on water baptism that lifted the value of this sacrament.  If you did not hear it, take a listen at www.indianlake.sermon.net.

In the sermon and 242 Small Groups, we discussed the opportunity for those who were baptize as a child to be baptized as an adult.  While it may not be a necessity for those baptized as child to experience baptism again, it is still a good step to consider.  While a child’s baptism is an important part of our journey, there may be greater significance for you when you take this step as an adult.  Our next scheduled water baptism is on Sunday, February 25th.

If you want to participate in water baptism on that day, fill out this online form.

If you want to talk about it some more, one of our pastors would love to have that conversation with you.  Just let me know!This Sunday, I will be preaching a message called Resting in His Call from Psalm 62:5-12.  It has been a good season of prayer, so I believe God has a fresh word for you.  Pray with me that He will be glorified through this message, and all the other aspects of worship in which we will participate. Invite someone you know to CIL this Sunday.  Your invitation could lead to a changed life!

MLK Day 2018

MLK-PennStateImageOn MLK Day, let us remember that the Civil Rights movement started in local churches, led by local pastors. The movement still continues today.
You are part of the solution of racism when you resist racist jokes, and refuse to perpetuate old racial stereotypes that live on whispers and innuendos. Living in a multi-cultural society takes curiosity, maturity, and understanding. Sounds like the perfect description of a Jesus-kind of people!
As a Christian and minister of the gospel, I welcome and hope for more Haitians, Africans, Arabs, Asians, South Americans, and any other ethnic group to contribute to our community. Let’s do “life together” with all people.
“Let freedom ring!”