We hope!

Put your hope in God. 
Hope through Jesus.
Receive hope through the Holy Spirit.

Advent begins today. The theme of HOPE on this 1st Advent Sunday reminds us that …

  • There is something greater beyond us
  • There is something available with us
  • There is something to look forward to

Put your hope in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

Better holidays are in our future

Not all holiday experiences are created equal. While some of us may enjoy every moment, others hurt. A day is coming when there will be no evil, and through Jesus Christ our Lord, we will all feast together. It will be a perpetual “holy-day” with no one in distress.

The holidays we enjoy in this life give a foretaste of a greater reality. The difficult holidays make us long for something better that is on its way. Whatever experience is yours this Thanksgiving, take heart that the best is ahead. Our future is together in Him.

Thank you, Don Tracy!

My dear friend Don Tracy passed away last week, and we will remember his life at a Memorial Service on Monday, November 22, 2021, at 2:00 pm at CIL Church.

Though it is has been years since Don has attended CIL, his impact on our church is incomparable. He invested deeply in our faith community in multiple ways and was a great friend to me. I am forever grateful for this partner in ministry, and I am deeply honored to officiate his service.

Read Don’s obituary at this link


The service will be steamed at

Deconstruction – a new term for an ageless issue

If you have not heard the term deconstruction yet, you probably will soon. Relevant magazine states, “deconstruction is a popular term that refers to the practice of revisiting and rethinking long-held beliefs, specifically in the Christian faith.” It appears pervasive among younger Americans who have grown up in church, and it is a sad development when it ruins people’s love for the Lord. Deconstruction is not new, but its currents form is based on present sociological realities. It is a new term for an ageless reality.

Since the beginning of Christianity, apparent believers have fallen from their faith. Scripture prophesies that people will turn away from the faith. With the digital social connections available, we have a clearer view of the spiritual struggles so many individuals experience. We see it a lot more, but falling away from the Lord has always been part of humanity’s spiritual struggle.

It is natural and good to question, and I have seen that seeking truth leads to Jesus Christ. Jesus is not an option or a coping mechanism. He is the truth. If you are in the process of deconstruction, I believe that the authentic Jesus is on the other side of your questions. Keep seeking truth.