Venture Family Conference a Success!

My heart is full upon the completion of Venture 2023. This annual family conference is an opportunity to champion many important things to the CIL Church culture – Next Gen ministry, family discipleship, fellowship, worship, service, and fun.

This event was birthed from Aubrey McGowan‘s heart, sustained through Cori Fuller‘s amazing management, and energized by Faith Hannula‘s leadership. Truly, all three of these leaders are a fantastic team, and they each do whatever is necessary to make this conference a success.

Our kids and parents are worth the effort!

Doug Varnado’s impactful ministry in Hendersonville, Tennessee

I want to honor the amazing Doug Varnado upon his retirement on Sunday from the Community Church of Hendersonville. Doug has pastored our entire city for decades and has been our city’s unofficial “dean of pastors” for a long time. He has also been my great friend. He is a scholar, a deep thinker, and a bold witness for Christ.

Doug follows a different beat than most pastors; many of us have benefited from his refreshing perspectives. I am excited to see how God will use Doug in this new era of ministry! I also hope to hang out more with his new flexibility!

God’s Word is clear from a boat

During a drought in 1986, two brothers discovered an ancient boat’s remains on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee. The boat’s remains indicated it was 27 feet long and 7.5 feet wide and constructed of ten different kinds of wood. The boat was meant to allow fishing close to the shore. The boat dates back to the time of Jesus!

On my pilgrimage to Israel, we viewed this artifact at the Jesus Boat Museum. Of all the beautiful religious structures in this world, Jesus chose to speak from a boat.

As the crowd was pressing in on Jesus to hear God’s word, he was standing by Lake Gennesaret. He saw two boats at the edge of the lake; the fishermen had left them and were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats, which belonged to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from the land. Then he sat down and was teaching the crowds from the boat.” – Luke 5:1-3 (CSB)

God’s word doesn’t need an official location. His truth is spoken from churches, satellites, outdoor venues, private homes, coffee shops – and boats. This ancient boat reminded me there are no physical limits to speaking God’s word.

Where is your Galilee?

Galilee is a region in Israel where Jesus spent most of His life. This area was home to the common people – fishermen, carpenters, and generally poorer Jews than in Jerusalem. The region is built around a lake we know as the Sea of Galilee. It is a three-hour drive from there to Jerusalem. I just realized how far Jesus’ life was from Jerusalem during my recent trip. That is a long way to walk or ride a camel.

Jesus’ earthly life was impacted by location. The Galilean culture helped determine His preferences, vocation, and likely his regional dialect. We, too, are impacted by the land, its characteristics, and its people. God uses your location to shape you.

Eugene Peterson explains this well when he writes of the land where he was a pastor:

But I carry out this work in conditions—place and time—that I see and measure named mountains and rivers, identified wildflowers and forests, elevation above sea level and annual rainfall. I do all my work on this ground.

Jesus did most of His work in Galilee.
I have done most of my work in northern middle Tennessee.
Where has your place been?

Israel and Father’s Day

We had a wonderful trip to Israel – a pilgrimage that was relatively difficult and frantic but impactful. I intend to write some devotionals on this blog over the summer connected with this trip. I hope that instead of bragging about my trip, I can add value to your life from the new perspectives I received by going. I am thankful to have readers, so I submit these posts with great appreciation and respect for you.

We had a faith-building service on Sunday. Jacob Bell is so passionate about fatherhood, and we received that energy from his teaching titled “Fatherhood Perspectives.” It was very good.



Reflections on Pat Robertson (1930-2022)

Pat Robertson, an iconic evangelical leader, passed away at age 93 last week. He had a profound impact on American Christianity. CT summarized him well in 1996: “Robertson has shaped three major religious developments: the charismatic renewal, Christian TV, and evangelical politics.”

In my estimation, from 1960-2000, Robertson was one of the most innovative and impactful leaders in American Christianity. Around September 11, 2001, it became apparent that Pat did not understand the new generations, and the new generations did not get him. He pressed on with controversial statements in the last part of his ministry that were often poorly timed or executed.

Despite the awkward end to his ministry in the public eye, Pat Robertson was a giant. His life made an unbelievably positive impact on multiple sectors. The Christian Broadcast Network (CBN) is a reputable and helpful Christian network that was way ahead of its time. His love for Israel was critical to the current evangelical connection to Zionism. His academic vision led to the highly touted Regent University, including its well-respected law school. I have seen the humanitarian ministry Operation Blessing function effectively where there has been a natural disaster.. The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) is an influential legal group that defends family values, religious liberty, and pro-life causes. In the 1990s and 2000s, the Christian Coalition was a dominant force in American politics.

Pat Robertson started all of these!

I can’t defend all of Pat Robertson’s statements, especially the controversial ones when he was over the age of 75, but I can point to his fruitfulness. Pat Robertson accomplished incredible things and should be remembered fondly by the Christian community as an innovator, brilliant businessman, cultural architect, and impactful Christian leader.

Watch this impactful teaching by Danny Parmelee

On Sunday, Danny Parmelee gave a tremendous teaching on jealousy that everyone needs to hear. We all deal with jealousy, but Scripture gives us the opportunity to reframe those feelings under diving guidance.

This teaching will bring you great value:

Danny works with churches in several states through our network Converge MSC, ( CIL Church loves being part of Coverge MSC. Danny lives in Hendersonville, so it is always a blessing when we can have him minister to us!

Dr. Carlo Serrano as the 5th President of Manna University

I was thrilled to be with Dr. Carlo Serrano and his wife Jaemi on June 6, 2023, at his inauguration as the 5th President of Manna University in Fayetteville, North Carolina! Dr. Serrano and I grew up in ministry together, and his appointment as president is a well-deserved culmination of his academic and leadership success.

Manna University is an emerging institution of Christian higher education, training leaders for Christian service. It also reaches many soldiers from the former Fort Bragg, now known as Fort Liberty. I am honored to join the Board of Directors and look forward to serving alongside Dr. Serrano and supporting Manna University’s mission.

Congratulations, Dr. Carlo Serrano, on this remarkable achievement! I am celebrating this exciting new chapter for Manna University and your future.

“Faith in the Age of AI” by Dan Scott

Dan Scott’s new book Faith in the Age of AI is an essential and stunning work! Dan is a brilliant scholar with a pastor’s heart; his information and interpretation in this book will position us for humanity’s new era. I want everyone I care for to digest this work as an anchor to discern the times with a Christian worldview.

If you pre-order this book at, it will contribute to Christian scholarship and the support of a unique Christian thinker.

I greatly admire my friend and mentor, Dr. Dan Scott.