Traditional Marriage

CIL_MARRIAGE_v01Marriage, as we have known it for centuries, is rapidly changing in western culture.  The United States government has always recognized the union of a man and woman as marriage partners.  Now, the expansion of traditional marriage for same gender individuals is being determined from state to state, and federal policy is supporting this expanded definition.

How are we to respond to this as Christians?
Is this change progress, or an abandonment of Biblical values?

This Sunday (February 23), I will give a message called The Case for Traditional Marriage.  I desire to lovingly share the Scripture, and to gain collective wisdom from above on this sensitive issue.  Please join me for this important message.

Recommended Marriage Books

Keller book coverHere are two of the books that I have used in my teaching on marriage, that I recommend to you.

My favorite is The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller.  This intellectual presentation on marriage is coupled with practical wisdom from a seasoned pastor, who has lead a church in Manhattan for many years.  I have so many great quotes underlined in my Kindle for this book.  This is one of the few books I need to read every year.

Driscoll bookAnother helpful book is Real Marriage: The Truth About Sex, Friendship, and Life Together by Mark and Grace Driscoll.   Mark Driscoll has been one of the most popular Christian speakers the last decade, and he and his wife give the gift of transparency to help marriages improve.  I don’t agree with every aspect of this book, but I do agree with the majority, and respect the courage it took for this couple to open up their lives to the public.  This book can be raw at times, but marriage is such an important subject, it deserves honest communication. Mark Driscoll is a pastor in the Seattle area.

The Meaning of Marriage


On Sunday, I started a two week series called The Meaning of Marriage. I know that the enemy wants to ruin Christian marriages, but God is calling us to a greater health in our marriages.  God is also calling Christian singles to prepare themselves for the covenant that is simultaneously between two spouses, and God Himself.

We spent some time during Sunday messages emphasizing the difference between covenant and contract.  In our culture, we incorrectly look at marriage as a contract, in which either party can break if expectations are not being met.  God has called our marriages to covenant, which is an agreement that bonds two people together regardless of circumstances. We are people of covenant, not contract.

I’m praying for you existing or future marriage this week.   I also look forward to teaching on Sunday, February 23, 2014, a message called “The Case for Traditional Marriage.”


Hendersonville Samaritan Center

HSAlogo (3)
One of the ministries we partner with at CIL is the Hendersonville Samaritan Center (HSA). “The mission of the Hendersonville Samaritan Association is to be neighbors in the tradition of the Good Samaritan, helping families get through a crisis that has disrupted their life-style and assisting them in becoming self-sufficient.”

SouperBowlMost recently, you gave in the “Souper Bowl of Caring.”   This particular offering was designated to help fund HSA’s program that sends backpacks of food home over the weekend for children in Hendersonville who rely upon free school lunches.  We were able to give $626 towards this particular outreach through the Souper Bowl of Caring.

I’m so glad we have an great organization like the HSA, and I hope you take advantage of opportunities with them.  Shop at the Samaritan Thrift Store, 116 Dunn St. in Hendersonville.  The primary source of income for the HSA is the Hendersonville Samaritan Thrift Store, which sells used clothing, household items, furniture, appliances, and etc. (Lots of etc.!)

Drop off your tax-deductible donations during store hours.  To schedule pick up of larger items call 824-5652 during store hours.

Hendersonville Samaritan Thrift Store Hours:
Mon – Fri: 10:00AM – 5:00PM
Sat: 10:00AM – 3:00PM

Ten Exciting Things Happening at CIL


In no particular order . . .

1. Some of our teenage boys are getting together on their own to study the Bible.  These guys are getting it!
2. We’re taking two adult mission trips this year – Costa Rica and Appalachia (eastern Kentucky).
3.  We had a record night last Wednesday in Awana!  So glad children are being discipled.
4.  We are learning to pray.   Between our weekly prayer meetings, and monthly House of Prayer gatherings, prayer is becoming more of a priority.
5. The Wednesday night class I’m teaching on theology has enthusiasm and great insight from the participants.  We are loving it!
6. The worship team has a renewed spiritual focus.
7. 242 Groups have been well attended, with Christian community lived out.
8. We installed new projectors in the sanctuary, that make the media much clearer.
9. HELP Mother’s Day out continues to remain at full capacity, and is a great resource to our community.
10. On the first day of the month we send checks to 31 missionaries or ministries.