Jesus speaks transformational words at the Mount of Beatitudes

The Mount of Beatitudes is a hill in northern Israel that tradition says is where Jesus delivered his Sermon on the Mount. It is a beautiful, peaceful place overlooking the Sea of Galilee. There has been a church there since the 4th century, reinforcing the long-held tradition. The topography functions as a natural amphitheatre.

No words are as impactful on this planet as those given in the Sermon on the Mount. It is as God himself spoke them – because He did!

The Sermon on the Mount is found in Matthew Chapters 5-7.

Sometime, find a physical place of peace near you and allow Jesus to speak those words fresh to you.

TSST establishes Dan Scott Scholars

What a historic Sunday we had at CIL Church!

We recognized four recipients of level one recognition for the first time in the short history of the Three Streams School of Theology (TSST). I introduced the students and the congregation to their award’s name for the first time – each established as a Dan Scott Scholar.

An added blessing was that Dr. Dan Scott was our guest speaker, so this new recognition was a surprise honor for Dan. 

We had full hearts to celebrate Dan and these four new Dan Scott Scholars. Daphne Briley,Cathy Lackey, Cinde Lucas, and Dayna Thornburg were recipients.

Dan then preached a masterful sermon on content from his new book, Faith in the Age of AI. At the end of the excellent sermon, Dan sang “Hold To God’s Unchanging Hand,” an incredible connection of our unwavering faith moving into a new future. 



Dan Scott speaking this Sunday at CIL Church

I am thrilled Dan Scott will be preaching at Christ Is Love (CIL) Church this Sunday.

Almost everything he writes is quotable, but these words from his latest book reinforce the need for Christian community in our rapidly changing world.

“Without a stable ground of meaning and purpose, it is difficult to psychologically survive the ceaseless changes thrust upon us by our post-modern, globalized, wired world.” – Dan Scott

We need community. We need a healthy church.

Services at 9 AM and 10:45 AM

Words of Wisdom

What a fun day at CIL Church! Our 242 Connect was a fantastic way for people to meet, fellowship over a hot dog, and discover what CIL offers through our 242 Small Groups.

I preached a short but impactful teaching from Proverbs 15 titled “Words of Wisdom.” This message challenged me, so I know it will challenge you, too!



Go to Israel with me in 2024!

As we approach 2024, Beth and I feel called to start taking groups to Israel through our personal ministry. We have created a new non-profit ministry called Pilgrimage and Touring History (PATH). We plan to lead a trip in 2024, inviting people we have known for 28 years of vocational ministry.

The trip is scheduled for Wednesday, May 29 – Friday, June 7, 2024.

This calling is a chance for me to combine my pastoral vocation and eight years of experience as a college teacher to give people a meaningful experience in Israel through Pilgrimage and Touring History (PATH). Beth is my partner in this, working with me on every detail. 

Pilgrimage and Touring History (PATH) will hold a Zoom interest meeting on Sunday, August 20, at both 5pm and 8 pm. It’s the same meeting offered at two different time slots.

If you are interested, contact Beth or me through text, email, or any other way to get on our email list. We hope to see you on ZOOM next Sunday!

Where are the “gates of hell?”

You have probably heard the phrase often if you’ve attended a church or heard a message about the church. Jesus stated:

I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” – Matthew 16:18 (NIV)

What a statement that has inspired me and countless others.

What is Hades? Hades is one of the four words traditionally interpreted as hell, but there are more nuances to the word. Biblical scholars have simplified our understanding by informing us “by New Testament times, ‘Hades’ could refer simply to death or the grave.

While we rightly think of the “gates of Hades” or “gates of hell” as a concept, when Jesus made this declaration, He was standing near a place – a bad place.

In Caesarea Philippi, an ancient city in northern Israel, Jesus made the statement about the gates of hades in sight of a spiritually dark location. From a spring that flows out of a cave in Caesarea Philippi, young girls were sacrificed in an inhumane, wicked way to the god named Pan.

In this place of senseless death, Jesus told Peter and us that He would build a people (the church), that strongly defended positions of evil will not overcome the church.

While the temple of Pan was the “gate of Hades,” there are other such gates near you. Take heart that strongly defended spiritual death will not prevail because Jesus’ church exists today!