Resources for Pornography Addiction

Last Saturday night Pastor John Hannah of Friendship World Outreach gave an incredible talk to our men about the danger of pornography.   I so appreciate Josh’s very informative and challenging talk.

After the talk, I gave the men some resources to help them overcome this addiction.

XXX Church offers several resources for people dealing with pornography addiction.  Specifically, there is an Internet Accountability tool that will e-mail a report of questionable sites you may have visited to an accountability partner you choose.  Check out the resources here:

Also, a wonderful program started by Saddleback Church and Rick Warren is called “Celebrate Recovery.”

The purpose of Celebrate Recovery is to provide fellowship and celebrate God’s healing power in our lives through eight recovery principles and the Christ-centered 12 steps. By working the steps and applying their Biblical principles, we begin to grow spiritually. We become free from our addictive, compulsive, and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy, and most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God.

Here are some churches in our city that offer Celebrate Recovery:

Community Church in Hendersonville
To find out more about this group, contact Joel Earnest (
Thursday Nights @ GodWhy
For more info or call Karah at 330.6825. Karah is also serving currently as the TN State Rep for Celebrate Recovery.

Long Hollow Baptist

Hendersonville Campus

Every Friday night, 7-10 PM in Little TreeHouse (upstairs in the Children’s Building)

Gallatin Campus
Every Thursday night, 7:00 PM

If you have any questions, please contact the LHB offices at 824-4006.

Easter Reflections

What a Sunday!

1. A lot of our core people responded to my request to attend the 9:oo a.m. service.  It was the most even our two services have ever been in attendance, and we had a great Easter crowd!

2. As soon as the service was over, I saw some of the darkest clouds I have ever seen.  To my surprise, the storm never hit us head-on, but I hope all my friends in Whitehouse and Gallatin survived without damage.  Beth said the parking lot crew kept watching the sky, as if Christ was about to return.  I know those guys are spiritual, but I’m betting they were pretending to be meteorologist.

3.  After reflecting on today’s sermons, I am convinced that a crowd’s excitement to listen to the message plays a huge role in the success of the message.

5.  Everyone really liked the split screens.  Pastor David Huff, Elliot Parry and Steve Hertzler worked really hard to get that project done this week.

Why are you crying? It’s Easter!

I am really looking forward to sharing tomorrow’s message on Resurrection Sunday.  Continuing in the message series Famous Last Words, we are going to examine Jesus’ question, “Why are you crying?”  This one question changed everything, and it will change everything for you.

We’ll have our Easter services at 9:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.   Please know I would love for you to join us for either service.  It would be my honor to preach God’s Word to you on Easter Sunday.

Good Friday Service

I can’t think of a more meaningful service of the year than our Good Friday Service.  CIL will have a time of worship on Friday, April 22nd at 7:00 p.m.  I invite you to come as a family as we remember Jesus’ death and sacrifice for us.   Service will last less than an hour and we will take communion as a church.   Join me and my family in honor of Jesus to begin this special weekend.

What’s Your Cup?

The human side of Jesus struggled with what he had to face on the cross.   However, he knew there was no other option for you and I to receive forgiveness from sin.

39 Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. 40 On reaching the place, he said to them, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation.” 41 He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, 42 “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” – Luke 22:39-42 (NIV)

Jesus had the ultimate cup.  His cup was our sin.  He took the wrath of God upon Himself, an unfathomable burden.

What’s Your Cup? 

A job or career you feel stuck in?

Tough Marriage?

Difficult child?

Physical disability?

One of the greatest lies in the American church is that suffering or hardship is an indicator of your spiritual life.  The greatest influence on Christianity – Paul – spoke about a “thorn in the flesh” (II Corinthians 12:7-10).

Jesus drank the cup for us.  He was an example for us.  The cup can represent:

– The Cup of Humility (Philippians 2:5-8)

– The Cup of Sacrifice (Philippians 2:8)

– The Cup of Suffering (Philippians 1:29)

Jesus knew the price he would pay.

Jesus knew the options he could have taken (Matthew 26:53).

Jesus knew His only choice (Matthew 26:54).

Thank you Jesus!

The Lord Needs It

As Jesus approached Jerusalem, He sent two of His disciples into a village to get a colt for His entrance intoJerusalem. He told them exactly where they would find the animal and what the owners would say. After the disciples had explained their mission, the owners seemed quite willing to release their colt for use by Jesus. Here’s the story:

 31 If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it.’” 32 Those who were sent ahead went and found it just as he had told them. 33 As they were untying the colt, its owners asked them, “Why are you untying the colt?” 34 They replied, “The Lord needs it.” – Luke 19:31-34

What is your colt?  Is Jesus saying, “The Lord needs it” about anything in your life?

There are three things we can learn from this

1.  Jesus chooses to use you

2.  Jesus comes when He’s ready

3.  We must remain willing to respond

As you reflect on Jesus this week, remember all he has done for you.  When he tells you “The Lord needs it”, it will be an honor to be used by Him.

Incredible Time with Destiny Church

On Sunday night, Beth and I ministered at Destiny Church in Columbia, TN, in what they call an “Encounter Night.”  Pastor Steven Morgan, is a good friend that I have had the privileged of being his church plant “coach.”   This church is on fire!  They have incredible worship, and an energetic and innovative leadership team.  I was so impressed with their facilities, enthusiasm and their heart for the community.  Not even four years old, the church is running 250 plus, and is positioned to grow from there.   We had a powerful time of worship, intercession and ministry.  The great thing is, Destiny Church isn’t satisfied with just a successful special service.  They spent significant time praying for an outreach to the community this Saturday.  Destiny Church is truly living out the phrase we use –  Know His Love, Share His Love.

The Last 24 Hours

An outstanding weekend at CIL:

– Our Men’s Night on Saturday was incredible!  Pastor Josh Hannah of Friendship World Outreach Church gave an honest, pointed talk on some issues every man deals with.  It was real.  It was hard to hear.  It was needed.  I’m so glad to connect with Pastor Josh, as we had great fellowship, and talked about church planting in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
– Our Palm Sunday service was meaningful, and Jesus-focused.  Beth did a great job leading worship, and I know God spoke to many people.  SO grateful for his grace on this service.
–  On a beautiful Sunday afternoon, several people came to Evangelism Training a CIL with Doug Pessoni.  I was touched to see this small group eager to learn how to share Christ.  This group really wants to live out Know His Love, Share His Love.
– Speaking of  Know His Love, Share His Love, our Compassion Team is serving their monthly lunch at the Sumner County Veteran’s Home today.  I admire this group’s love for these veterans.
– I’m thrilled to find out that my soon to be eleven year old daughter led worship during our 4.6 Service (4th – 6th grade).

Palm Sunday Tomorrow

I am loving the current series Famous Last Words.  Tomorrow is Palm Sunday (April 17), so we are going to have a celebration as we start Holy Week.   I am going to teach from Luke 19:28-34, as we focus on the phrase “The Lord needs it.”

Our kids will be having an Easter Egg Hunt in both the 9:00 and 10:45 services.

Also, remember men that tonight (April 16) is Men’s Night at 6:00 p.m.

Sun Stand Still

Steven Furtick is a 31 year old pastor, who has had a lot of success in his short ministry, and should have a lot more in the future.  The sense of optimism and confidence from this success exudes in his first book Sun Stand Still.  This book is great for a young person with big dreams, and an older reader who need to be reminded again what it feels like to dream big.    Furtick is a good writer, so it will be fun for those of us who follow his ministry to watch his writing develop as his life and ministry continue to expand.

On a personal note, I met Futick in 2009 when I was visiting Mac Richard in Austin.   Furtick was a really nice guy, and he gave me some advice that has really helped CIL.

“I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review