The Jewish People
I love the Jewish people, and will stand for them.
I will not participate in anti-Semitic jokes or slanderous innuendos about this race. I am so thankful for this family from which my faith has originated.
I grieve with them in the aftermath of the Tree of Life Congregation Synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh.

You’re on to something

This message is for all of you with a dream, an idea, a new concept, or a fresh way to see your world. If you really believe in it, don’t be swayed if others are slow to catch on. You are an innovator. You are a creator. You are leading.
You’re on to something—it’s just that nobody recognizes it yet. Keep going.

New worship leader begins October 7

October 7 is an exciting day at CIL, as Pastor Aubrey McGowan begins his tenure as the primary worship leader for our church family. We have enjoyed Aubrey and Jen’s music ministry monthly the last few years, so they are familiar and trusted voices. We look forward to them working more with our entire team, and bringing us into the presence of God each week.
To read more about Aubrey’s ministry, click here
Help welcome them by attending services tomorrow at either 9am or 10:45am.