Wednesday’s Class: The Political Journey to Palestine

christian growthI’ve really enjoyed our shift on Wednesday nights from a traditional service to a classroom setting.  The interaction, fellowship and learning that has taken place in my Biblical Zionism class this semester has been very enjoyable.

Tonight (October 16) I will be teaching about the political history of the Jew’s return to Palestine to become the nation of Israel.  We can’t cover it all, so we’ll focus on the early 20th century.   Should create some good discussion, and be interesting information.

WelcomeThis class is a cooperative learning experience, so get at cup of coffee and come ready to learn and discuss!

Class is from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. in the “Living Room” at CIL.

See you there!

Fall Break 2013

With such a short summer, Fall Break has become a valuable time for families with students in the Sumner County school system.  Between youth camp, mission trips, VBS and summer dance recital, a traditional summer vacation hasn’t been practical the last two summers for our family.   So, last year we went to Washington D.C. for Fall Break and had a fabulous time.  This year, we opted for a more laid back and economical vacation in eastern Kentucky with Beth’s family.

After a hectic few months of ministry and school, I’ve been able to relax this week in ways I haven’t in weeks.  We’ve spent a lot of time lounging around, enjoying a much different pace of life for a few days.

There have been a few activities that are noteworthy:


Natural Bridge State Park

We took a sky lift to a 600 ft. peak called Natural Bridge.  The view was spectacular, but without railing on the cliffs, it was a bit unsettling.

There is no narrow spot, so you are never in danger.  However, if you have kids with your there is never a time to relax.


Breaks Interstate Park

The Breaks Interstate Park is on border of Kentucky and Virginia.  It has been called “The Grand Canyon of the South.”  It was a beautiful drive to the spot, and the prominent view from the park was spectacular!  I took the picture above myself, as we arrived at dusk to see this view.

– Jenny Wiley Festival and 5K Run.

IMG_4212This weekend the Jenny Wiley Festival is taking place in Prestonsburg, Kentucky.  We attended the fair, and enjoyed beautiful weather.

On Saturday, I participated in the 5K run that took a very pleasant route through the small mountain town.  I started jogging regularly in August, so it was nice to see my progress by participating in this race.

It was the first 5K I had participated in 10 years, and my time was very comparable to my younger days of jogging.