New signs. Continued renovation.


Earlier this week, I enjoyed the overwhelming support for the new CIL signs. It was a “digital victory lap” on social media. The picture above is the outdoor sign at night.  The picture below is the before and after of the external remodel at CIL.

Renovation is exciting – especially when you can see it so clearly. The renovation of the heart is less obvious, but is of supreme importance. Keep allowing God to form your heart. Join me at CIL this Sunday at 9 am, or 10:45 am to allow the potter to mold your life as clay.


It is OK to be Sad in Christianity

Do you ever feel like there is pressure in Christianity to project happiness all the time? Isn’t that a lot of weight?

These words from Will Willimon in his commentary on the book of Lamentations helped me:

“Israel loved God enough, felt close enough to God, to be able, in times of tragedy, to clench its fits and cry out to God, to complain, to accuse, and to weep. Some may believe, that as Christians, we must always feel joy, must always have smiles on our faces. Lamentations, however, is the literature of those who have a much deeper, more honest experience of our relationship with God. Its laments know that there is no way alway to be happy…” – Renovare Study Bible

So if as a Christian, you are not always bubbly and in a great mood, you are still in the Kingdom of God. Rest in the knowledge that you will smile again.

“Day of Atonement” Service this Wednesday


Many years ago, I discovered what respect and appreciation Christians should have towards the Jewish faith. Christianity sprung from Judaism, yet we live out our faith oblivious to that reality.

This irony explains my enthusiasm that Pastor Chris Muti will lead us in a Day of Atonement prayer time on Wednesday, October 9 (12 pm) at CIL.

Yom Kippur is a way to remember our heritage and to glorify Jesus Christ.

I’ll be there, and I hope you will join us!