God’s Sovereignty is the Answer to Perception of Unanswered Prayer

In sports, we cheer athletes on to inspire them to achieve.
We do not cheer on God. He will perform His will with or without us.
He does not need us; we need Him.

That is why we must recognize the Sovereignty of God amid our bold, faith-filled prayers.

What is the Sovereignty of God? After meditating on a few definitions, I have settled with this:

The Sovereignty of God is his absolute right to do all things according to his will.

So my conclusion, I will pray as hard as I can, as long as I can.
When the situation is over, I will trust God’s Sovereignty. This answer is not always satisfying, but this perspective holds true to Scripture.

“40 Days of Hope” Clean Water Campaign

Today is the beginning of Lent, a 40 day season (not counting Sundays) until Easter. We prepare ourselves for Easter by walking with the Lord in this season of praying, fasting, giving, and reflection. There are no rules for Lent. Simply follow the Lord’s lead to turn from sin and connect with Him.

As part of our Lent journey, I invite you to give a gift to our “40 Days of Hope” giving campaign. For $25, you can provide clean water for years to a family in the developing world by providing them a water filter. And 100% of your gift will go directly to families in need. This project is through our partners Convoy of Hope. During Lent, replace something you may fast during the 40 days of Lent with a gift to this project.

I hope every person in our church family can give towards the “40 Days of Hope” campaign.

You can give now by clicking here:


We can make a tangible difference in the quality of someone’s life. Let’s do it!

“For Such a Time As This” and Trip to Houston

I know Sunday’s service was excellent because Beth and I worshipped at a hotel in Houston. We were visiting family but were so blessed by Abbey Allison and Rob Still leading worship music and Jacob Bell bringing the sermon. Jacob’s sermon was titled, “For Such a Time As This.” See the links below if you were not at the service or want to experience it again.

Also, the picture above is of me with my brother, only 1st cousin (my other brother), and sister on a quick visit to Houston. We loved supporting the younger generation in their weekend activities.



Prayer reminds us Yahweh has a personality

When I first engaged in spiritual formation, every prayer was answered the way I wanted, and those prayer successes built my faith.

But, after a while, I inevitably learned that not every prayer will be answered as I expect.

Yahweh is not our wish-list generator.
He is not a genie in the bottle.
He is not a force or energy.
Yahweh is a God with a personality, intelligence, and will.

We pray to Yahweh, and He responds according to His purposes and will.

We struggle in this. We rest in this.

The Asbury revival of 2023

I have been following reports for the last week about the revival at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. From what I read and discern, I am EXCITED about this and WELCOME IT as an impactful development in American Christianity. 

The current length of the service, which has continued since February 8, is historic. This revival will be remembered in the history books from what has already occurred. But the story is not over.

People from around the nation are gathering at Asbury to observe and receive, and this national interest will spread gospel passion to multiple locations. Hopefully, we are just at the beginning. Still, revival does not last perpetually, so let’s embrace and rejoice in what God is doing in this surprising development. The Kingdom is breaking in! 

Sunday Review – February 12, 2023

It was a good Sunday. I have always liked the Kansas City Chiefs, and have lots of friends from college in Kansas City who are fanatics for the team. It was fun to see them win the big game for the second time in five years.

Sunday’s services were great. I shared a message titled, “Disappointment in Prayer.” I think this teaching will help people, and I intend to write on this subject later in the week.

We had a packed 9 AM service, but we had plenty of room in the 10:45 AM service. Pray with me that our 9 AM service remains full, and we also fill up the second service. All for God’s glory!



The Converge “Unleash Conference”

Last week the full-time CIL Staff went to a conference in Florida called “Unleash” for the second year in a row. While it was an incredible conference both years, we did not just randomly attend. The conference is put on by a network of churches we are part of called Converge. Specifically, we are part of a district called Converge MSC, as we network together for church planting, ministerial health, and faithfulness to Scripture. 

While I have been personally walking with this group since 2011, the CIL Leadership Board voted to officially join the network, and we became a Converge church in 2021. While we have retained our autonomy as an independent church, it is a blessing to be part of a movement that provides us safety, strength, and opportunities to grow like we did though the conference. As the Converge tag line often reminds us, “We are better together.”