On the land and under the sky

We had another visitation of severe storms in middle Tennessee. I am weary of this. My heart breaks for those impacted negatively by winds and floods. 

An increased population in our region, spread across more land, means certain interaction with natural weather phenomena. Do we have more superstorms due to global warming? Perhaps. Is there more concrete preventing absorption in the soil? Most definitely. The waterways can be controlled by dams for some time, but those limitations are eventually exposed. 

We are under God’s sovereignty on the land and under the sky. As technology advances and humanity progresses, we still cower from the storm. May this vulnerability keep us humble under God’s great providence. 

Faith with unanswered questions

I shared this quote at the end of my sermon on March 10, 2024. For some who deal with doubts, be assured you are not alone. This theologian from three hundred years ago realized the complexity of faith. Still, in the end, we have the Lord because Jesus is enough for salvation.

There is a knowledge and enjoyment of God which must be waited for in another world when we shall see him as he is. In the meantime, let us adore the height of what we do know of God, and the depth of what we do not.” – Matthew Henry (1662-1714)

TSST establishes Dan Scott Scholars

What a historic Sunday we had at CIL Church!

We recognized four recipients of level one recognition for the first time in the short history of the Three Streams School of Theology (TSST). I introduced the students and the congregation to their award’s name for the first time – each established as a Dan Scott Scholar.

An added blessing was that Dr. Dan Scott was our guest speaker, so this new recognition was a surprise honor for Dan. 

We had full hearts to celebrate Dan and these four new Dan Scott Scholars. Daphne Briley,Cathy Lackey, Cinde Lucas, and Dayna Thornburg were recipients.

Dan then preached a masterful sermon on content from his new book, Faith in the Age of AI. At the end of the excellent sermon, Dan sang “Hold To God’s Unchanging Hand,” an incredible connection of our unwavering faith moving into a new future. 



“Faith in the Age of AI” by Dan Scott

Dan Scott’s new book Faith in the Age of AI is an essential and stunning work! Dan is a brilliant scholar with a pastor’s heart; his information and interpretation in this book will position us for humanity’s new era. I want everyone I care for to digest this work as an anchor to discern the times with a Christian worldview.

If you pre-order this book at pastordanscott.com, it will contribute to Christian scholarship and the support of a unique Christian thinker.

I greatly admire my friend and mentor, Dr. Dan Scott.

Are you resisting water baptism?

I’ve noticed growing resistance among adults toward water baptism in recent years. Although water baptism does not save a person, it holds great significance in the Bible and throughout history as an essential public declaration of faith.

As I reflect on this issue and the people I pastor, I wrote a prayer in my journal:

May they understand the uniqueness of Jesus, His way, His call, and willingly embrace the public declaration of water baptism. May this ceremony symbolize their transformation in Christ and be a testimony of their faith to the world.”

I believe that water baptism is a powerful moment of obedience and surrender to God, and I encourage all believers to consider taking this step in their faith journey.

At CIl Church, we will offer water baptism on Sunday, May 28, in both services. If you are interested in learning more, reach out to me. If you are ready to be baptized, you can sign up by clicking this link:

God’s Sovereignty is the Answer to Perception of Unanswered Prayer

In sports, we cheer athletes on to inspire them to achieve.
We do not cheer on God. He will perform His will with or without us.
He does not need us; we need Him.

That is why we must recognize the Sovereignty of God amid our bold, faith-filled prayers.

What is the Sovereignty of God? After meditating on a few definitions, I have settled with this:

The Sovereignty of God is his absolute right to do all things according to his will.

So my conclusion, I will pray as hard as I can, as long as I can.
When the situation is over, I will trust God’s Sovereignty. This answer is not always satisfying, but this perspective holds true to Scripture.

Read the New Testament this Year – You can do it!

I have noticed some great posts with Bible reading plans for 2022. Which one is best? The plan that works for you!

After working with new converts, seasoned pastors, and observing myself, I am convinced that reading the New Testament in a calendar year is a realistic plan. 

I have used for years the 5x5x5 New Testament Bible Reading plan designed by Navigators.   This plan only takes 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week

A link to the PDF is here

Also there is a digital link on You Version.


It’s helpful to use both the printout and Your Version. 

You can do it!

Deconstruction – a new term for an ageless issue

If you have not heard the term deconstruction yet, you probably will soon. Relevant magazine states, “deconstruction is a popular term that refers to the practice of revisiting and rethinking long-held beliefs, specifically in the Christian faith.” It appears pervasive among younger Americans who have grown up in church, and it is a sad development when it ruins people’s love for the Lord. Deconstruction is not new, but its currents form is based on present sociological realities. It is a new term for an ageless reality.

Since the beginning of Christianity, apparent believers have fallen from their faith. Scripture prophesies that people will turn away from the faith. With the digital social connections available, we have a clearer view of the spiritual struggles so many individuals experience. We see it a lot more, but falling away from the Lord has always been part of humanity’s spiritual struggle.

It is natural and good to question, and I have seen that seeking truth leads to Jesus Christ. Jesus is not an option or a coping mechanism. He is the truth. If you are in the process of deconstruction, I believe that the authentic Jesus is on the other side of your questions. Keep seeking truth.

Give the book of Romans a read

Recently I read the book of Romans and was reminded that this Scripture’s impact on the Christian faith is paramount. In 2007 I attempted verse-by-verse teaching through Romans but realized a few chapters in that its depth would take more time than a Sunday series could provide. I called that series “God Did It!” – and I still think that is a great title to summarize Romans.

While I typically preach from the CSB version of Scripture and use the NRSV version for personal devotions, I love reading Romans in the NLT. The NLT makes Romans flow smoothly, and when the NLT launched in the late 1990s, I thought then that the work on Romans was beautiful and helpful. The NLT doesn’t use some important theological words in its translation, but the fluidity of the writing makes the overall theme come alive.

Give Romans a read sometime. You’ll discover what the apostle Paul so persuasively explained about salvation – God did it!

Parable Church by Mike Burnette

I am so excited about Mike Burnette’s new book, Parable Church.

Mike is an incredible leader, pastor, and scholar. Mike is one of my best friends, and I can assure you he lives what he teaches. The concepts from this book will help you love Jesus and the church better. Experience a fresh perspective through Parable Church.

