On the land and under the sky

We had another visitation of severe storms in middle Tennessee. I am weary of this. My heart breaks for those impacted negatively by winds and floods. 

An increased population in our region, spread across more land, means certain interaction with natural weather phenomena. Do we have more superstorms due to global warming? Perhaps. Is there more concrete preventing absorption in the soil? Most definitely. The waterways can be controlled by dams for some time, but those limitations are eventually exposed. 

We are under God’s sovereignty on the land and under the sky. As technology advances and humanity progresses, we still cower from the storm. May this vulnerability keep us humble under God’s great providence. 

Keep Building

It takes courage, fortitude, grit, a stick-to-it resolve, and a learn-from-your-mistake mindset to build something significant. It takes minimal effort or intelligence to tear something down.

KEEP BUILDING your faith, family, friend group, career, business, academic profile, company, health, project, church, or whatever God has put on your heart.

Builders don’t quit.

Faith with unanswered questions

I shared this quote at the end of my sermon on March 10, 2024. For some who deal with doubts, be assured you are not alone. This theologian from three hundred years ago realized the complexity of faith. Still, in the end, we have the Lord because Jesus is enough for salvation.

There is a knowledge and enjoyment of God which must be waited for in another world when we shall see him as he is. In the meantime, let us adore the height of what we do know of God, and the depth of what we do not.” – Matthew Henry (1662-1714)

Why Ash Wednesday?

Why did I receive the imposition of ashes today?

Does the Bible require it? No.
Does tradition expect it? Not my tradition.
Does it make me feel edgy or unique?
No, I’ve actually received verbal digs for wearing ashes.

I choose to join Christians around the world and through the ages to acknowledge collectively:

We are mortal. We will die.
We are sinful. We need salvation. 
Some years, we suffer.
Some seasons are hard.

The joy of resurrection starts with the reality of ashes.

“Remember that you are dust, and to dust, you shall return.” 

Let’s remember our “Crown of Joy” during Thanksgiving

Today is one week from Thanksgiving, a wonderful day for our country and culture. I want to remind you to value people during the holiday.

I was very close to my grandfather, and he loved to repeat the same stories at our frequent meals. Our family would tease him often, but we were short-sighted to do so. My grandpa was not just repeating a story for information; he was sharing his life.

My grandpa has been gone since 1996. How I wish I could hear him tell a story this Thanksgiving!

Sunday, I taught on the Crown of Joy, which is people.

After all, what gives us hope and joy, and what will be our proud reward and crown as we stand before our Lord Jesus when he returns? It is you! – 1 Thessalonians 2:19 (NLT)

As we journey in this life, let’s remember that people are our joy and a reward from God. Value people and their stories.


He could not prevail!

“…but he could not prevail!”

Though Revelation is mysterious, this is clear – there is a war between God and Satan. This war is described in many ways, but it is depicted clearly in Revelation 12:7-8 with Satan manifested as a dragon:

Then war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. The dragon and his angels also fought, but he could not prevail, and there was no place for them in heaven any longer (CSB).”

We are seeing evil manifested through Hamas, mass shootings, racism, and lawlessness. While we grieve and groan, may we remember about Satan …

“”…but he could not prevail!”

My Reflection on the Fall Season

Almost everyone I ask enjoys the fall season. Some do not, I know. My grandpa got sad in the fall because of hard memories. Still, he made my autumns better.

I can get a little melancholy this time of year when I identify unmet expectations that I created. Then I feel the cooler air, see the colors, and hear the crunch of the leaves; I smile at my fortune for another year.

Sip, talk, and move slower. Fall is here.

Friends are valuable

Nothing in this life is more valuable than friends. Relationships are also all we carry from this life into heaven.

Be careful what you forfeit a friendship for. With God’s help, I won’t give up a friendship out of allegiance to a sports team, social agenda, cultural phenomenon, or petty offense. It ain’t worth it, people!

Keep the hope

To all the dreamers, optimists, and hopefuls – thank you for keeping the faith. You believe in yourself, your God, and the future. It’s easier to doubt than to maintain hope. Sustaining hope means you continuously recalibrate in response to trials and disappointments. Remaining hopeful means you must not give up!