The Three Streams Chart

We had such a powerful worship experience last night. We took that evening to lean into the “Spirit stream” and found refreshing in the Lord.

Last Sunday, I started our vision series CIL Forward and shared our identity as a Three Streams church. Here is the chart that we shared during the sermon about the Biblical-basis for a Three Streams identity. Pastor Dan Scott introduced this chart to me a few years ago, and it has been a great way to put in words how God has formed us.

Twelve years for CIL

CIL’s Twelfth Anniversary was not what I imagined when we planned the year, as the global pandemic contributed towards a subdued recognition. Still, with a heartfelt, “Thanks be to God!” we honored Jesus by gathering in His name – both online and in-person.

I have never been so happy to be part of a spiritual family as I am now, and I have great hope for our future together!