Influencers in the Family

The weekly gathering of saints is the soul of humanity. Worship music, Scripture, the passing of the peace, and the sacraments are otherworldly. We access the gateway to heaven through the church, making our weekly worship indispensable.

The team and I have loved teaching the Philippians these last few months, and we concluded the series on Sunday with our 19th teaching in this verse-by-verse journey. I gave a message titled “Influencers in the Family,” and this teaching inspired us to be people of influence. It was a life-giving service, so I hope you watch it and receive it.



Church Picnic and the Philippians Journey

Sunday was our annual Church Picnic, and it was a blast! We had fantastic weather, food, and fellowship.  

Only two weeks remain for the Philippians series, and I gave impactful teaching through God’s grace. Today’s passage reminded us that God Supplies, as we looked at Philippians 4:14-20. The Scripture is transformational! 

Watch the Sermon

Watch the complete service

The Driven Alexander Hamilton

I am late to the game on this, but I finally read the Alexander Hamilton biography by Ron Chernow. While I detected some bias, it was still an enjoyable read, and I learned much about my country and myself. One of the lines I identify with is when Chernow wrote:

He (Alexander Hamilton) always had to fight the residual sadness of the driven man.

Through Christ, this sadness does not remain. However, it does creep in on the ambitious.

I can do all things …

After two Sundays off from preaching, it meant a lot to be back in the pulpit on Sunday. It’s such an honor to teach God’s Word. I spoke on one of the most famous but misunderstood Scriptures, Philippians 4:13. The phrase “I can do all things through Christ…” is not a good-luck phrase that helps us create our reality. Instead, this crucial phrase calls us a more profound life of contentment.

If you did not hear the message or experience the anointed worship at CIL Church, I hope these videos bless you:

Full Service:

Sermon Only:

Back from vacation, two great sermons

Last week, I spent some time in the northeast with Beth and our firstborn! We celebrated Abbey’s graduation from college and launching her teaching career. Such a great week! I may share some posts about that trip as the month unfolds.

In my absence, Aubrey McGowan preached a great message on October 2. I returned for service on Sunday, but Mauricio Barahona preached and did an outstanding job. The other staff worked hard to present quality services and programs during Fall Brea. I am so blessed to be surrounded by a talented and Christ-like team!

Watch the service on October 9 (Mauricio Barahona)

Watch the service on October 2 (Faith Hannula leads worship music, Aubrey McGowan preaches)