Is “compromise” a dirty word?

Divisive leadership can be energizing, but it can also be unproductive. Impactful leadership moves adversaries to cooperate for the common good. While compromise is a dirty word to many people, it can often be a beautiful outcome. Sure, we need to be uncompromising against sin. However, in many sectors, compromising is the pathway to discovering and reaching shared goals that benefit people and glorify God. Think about it!

A fulfilling Pentecost Sunday

Today was Pentecost Sunday, and I loved preaching about the Holy Spirit. As the service concluded, we offered to anoint anyone in the church with oil, and many people came to receive this symbolic mark of the Holy Spirit. It was meaningful and powerful!

Since it is Memorial Day weekend, Sargent First Class Bob Woytach made a presentation to honor the memory of fallen military personnel. It is always moving when Bob honors the military.

We also celebrated water baptism with two amazing people!

Wow! What an interesting, memorable, and anointed service!



Whatever style of leader you are, follow God’s heart

Leadership is an art, as different types of leaders are needed for various groups or situations. In my study of leadership, both formal research and personal observation, I see God use multiple styles of leadership.

The Sovereignty of God places leaders in positions, and sometimes this is a sign of divine blessing and other times an expression of judgment. Pray for our leaders.

Also, be the answer to prayer by leading with God’s heart in your orbit of influence.

In choosing a leader, you are revealed

What type of leader do you choose to follow? These choices reveal you.

In our modern world, we frequently choose our leader. Whether it is a job offer we accept, a pastor of a church we join, or a vote in a democratic republic, we make consequential determinations under the Providence of God. Selecting leaders to follow is not so much about determining the future, as that is God’s responsibility, but revealing who we are.

Choose who you follow with discernment, for the leaders you follow will impact your worldview and reputation. Let the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Scripture, and the community lead you to healthy, life-giving leaders.

Blessed Sunday at CIL Church: Deborah Jackson’s Insightful Teaching on the Ascension of Christ

Despite the hustle and bustle of a busy graduation weekend in Sumner County, the services at CIL Church were nothing short of a blessing. It was an honor to welcome visitors to our church, especially during such a hectic time. Graduation weekends can be overwhelming, with families and friends gathering to celebrate significant milestones. Amidst all the excitement, CIL Church opened its doors like we do every Sunday, offering a haven of peace and spiritual nourishment.

Deborah Jackson’s teaching on the Ascension of Christ, titled “Wait! What?” Her insightful teaching brought a fresh perspective to this pivotal event in Christian theology.

The energy of fellowship was alive and palpable throughout the service. This Sunday service reminded me of the power of community, the importance of spiritual growth, and the transformative impact a healthy church.



Reflections on my 25th Wedding Anniversary

On my 25th wedding anniversary yesterday, the word that stood out to me was shalom – the Hebrew word associated with peace and wholeness. We felt God’s shalom through our love and the love of the community.

While a popular cultural sentiment is “us against the world,” that has not been the story of our marriage. Our 25-year romance has been connected to community, as the love of our family, friends, and faith communities have made our story. Sure, there have been many times that Beth and I have retreated as two to heal from hurt or find direction as a couple, and this special relationship did make us feel like “us against the world.” Still, we have always stayed connected with our family and church, and these relationships have made us and sustained us. So, our marriage is a celebration of God’s design for marriage and a recognition of all the relationships connected to a long-term marriage. I write this not out of pride but of absolute gratitude for God’s grace. Every long-term marriage is a miracle.

I want to honor Beth for believing in marriage, believing in us, and believing in me. I love her more every day, and I cannot wait to see how God is going to use her in the years to come. I also look forward to many laughs in our future!

Susanna Wesley reminds us to mentor

Be encouraged by this, Moms and mentors!

Susanna Wesley lived in England during the 1700s and married a pastor, with whom she had 19 children. Wow! 

Despite her busy family life, Susanna was committed to spiritual instruction and developed a system or method for teaching her children about faith and Christian living. Her 14th child, John Wesley, would go on to become a pastor himself and develop a method for spiritual development that he shared with thousands of people. This method would become the foundation for the Methodist movement, which greatly impacted the United States.

Susanna’s dedication to spiritual instruction and her commitment to her family had far-reaching effects, demonstrating the power and influence of a mother’s love and methods. Her story inspires mothers everywhere, showing that their efforts can have an impact that extends far beyond their immediate family. 

Are you resisting water baptism?

I’ve noticed growing resistance among adults toward water baptism in recent years. Although water baptism does not save a person, it holds great significance in the Bible and throughout history as an essential public declaration of faith.

As I reflect on this issue and the people I pastor, I wrote a prayer in my journal:

May they understand the uniqueness of Jesus, His way, His call, and willingly embrace the public declaration of water baptism. May this ceremony symbolize their transformation in Christ and be a testimony of their faith to the world.”

I believe that water baptism is a powerful moment of obedience and surrender to God, and I encourage all believers to consider taking this step in their faith journey.

At CIl Church, we will offer water baptism on Sunday, May 28, in both services. If you are interested in learning more, reach out to me. If you are ready to be baptized, you can sign up by clicking this link:

Awana Awards Night stirs our Next Gen vision

I am absolutely filled with joy after attending Awana Awards night! It was so incredible to see the amazing work that the Awana staff have been doing in investing in our children’s spiritual growth. The enthusiasm and energy from both the staff and the kids were evident, and it was truly a night to remember.

So I just wanted to take a moment to thank the incredible Awana staff for all that they do. Your dedication and hard work are making a real difference in the lives of our children, and we are so grateful for you. Keep up the amazing work, and let’s continue to invest in the next generation!