Divine love colors you with beauty

Many things we love never love us in return.
Many people we love never love us in return.
This reality is why love is always a risk.

Except with God. Any love given to God is a response to Him loving us first.

During this fourth week of Advent, we focus on love. We have difficulty accepting a God who loves us for many different reasons, and it seems each person has a customized objection. Our understanding of God is complicated, and His love is not easy to comprehend. Divine love is hard to explain, but it is always accessible to receive.

Accept that God loves you, and it will color your life with beauty this week and beyond.

Comfort for Christmas Week

We are turning the corner to Christmas week, and I am not emotionally ready quite yet. I am not prepared for all the festivities to begin because I do not want them to end. That is where I am this year, ready to soak up the comfort and joy.

However, I have experienced some dark Christmas weeks in which the holiday only exasperated my pain. I recognize many of you are in a dark season, and I am thinking about you and praying for you.

There is no perfect Christmas celebration, so we take what life gives us under the grace of God, whether in good or bad circumstances. Let’s face this Christmas with poise, strength, resolve, and perspective. Let’s not get too up or too down. Steady on in the will of God, as we assuredly plod forward.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

The passing of Pastor Robb Tripp

I want to express my deepest condolences to the Fireplace Fellowship congregation in Hendersonville, who lost Pastor Robb Tripp yesterday. I have partnered with this church since 2006 on various ministry initiatives, and Robb was always kind, funny, and loving. I admire how hard his wife Shanda fought with faith-filled prayers during Robb’s recent health struggles. From his TBN days as a teenager to local church ministry in Hendersonville, Robb lived with great love for Jesus.

‘Tis the season for you

The holiday is made for you; you are not made for the holiday.

This statement is based on Jesus’ teaching, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath (Mark 2:27).”

So, you WILL NOT …

Make everyone happy.
Attend every party.
Remember every deadline.
Give perfect gifts.
Obtain that iconic family photo.

The holiday is for you to slow down, feast, enjoy, and savor. Christmas does not have to mean stress. We do not have to accept that narrative.

‘Tis the season to be jolly!