My Perspective on the COVID-19 Vaccine

Many voices have been calling on religious leaders to speak out for the COVID-19 vaccine, so it is time to offer my perspective. I received the Pfizer vaccine early in the year, and I am glad I did. All of my immediate family members have received the COVID-19 vaccination, as well.

You have likely heard statistics about unvaccinated people hospitalized in Tennessee. Stats show that over 90% of hospitalized patients with COVID did not receive the vaccine; approximately 97% of patients on a ventilator did not receive the vaccine. These statistics are staggering in their implications! The data overwhelmingly establishes the widely used vaccines as effective.

Several healthcare workers have told me that these patients are primarily born-again Christians. Oh, how I wish more Christians would accept this opportunity. We are people of life. I see the COVID vaccines as gifts from God to reduce suffering, extend life, and allow more quality time to discover Jesus. Please prayerfully consider receiving the coronavirus vaccine.

4 thoughts on “My Perspective on the COVID-19 Vaccine

  1. Butch Griffin

    I agree with you! Dianne, Brandon, and I have had the vaccinations and had very little reaction from the medication except the peace we now feel.

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